4️⃣🅰️ Everyday — (former 4️⃣🅰️ Offtober 2023)

I think it is relaxing since it very flowy and you use your body more then in other yoyo styles. On the other hand picking up your yoyo from the ground all the time can be annoying especially if you just started with 4A.
Never the less I love 4A so definitely recommend to start with it.


It definitely can be relaxing depending on how you choose to play the style! I find for me that the way I play tends to be higher energy than my 1a but it is a lot of fun! I’d definitely recommend trying it!

I do agree though that it can be frustrating when you drop the yoyo a lot and have to constantly bend over to grab it or run after it but you can make a setup that minimizes that if you’re careful. Overall it’s some of the most fun I’ve had yoyoing in a long time but with every style can have its challenges for sure!


As someone that is just starting, I can tell you what it is like for me. The flowing style is one of the main things that attracted me to 4A, but it is not what you experience when starting out.
Getting a late start and not being the highest caliber yo-yo player, the learning is going slowly, and it is very challenging in the way that tops and learning to juggle was. The moves are fun when you hit them, and 100% fail when you miss, especially since I still don’t have a decent fast wind, but again, it’s like that with tops, miss the trick and you are back to square one.
You don’t have to get a super high end throw to get started, but some cheaper yo-yos are very hard on your fingers if you snag and it comes back on the back of your hand, also it’s maybe hard to find a place inside to throw without havock.
After starting this, I wish I had gotten into it long ago, it is a whole new dimension to throwing. They should call it 4D.


Thanks all of you! It’s cool to read different perspectives. It definitely sounds appealing but challenging. Now to decide if I really need an excuse to buy another yo-yo. :thinking:


Well, yes, yes you do.


Definitely always :smile:


I started with 4a because it was cool and different from normal yoyos. It was easier to learn because I didn’t have to worry about response or string tension. Although it took me an hour to learn to bind, I’d say it was fun. A setup can definitely minimize runaway yoyos, and 4a is a relaxing and entertaining style, as well as having some of the craziest tricks (except horizontal mostly). In fact, using two offstring yoyos (soloham) is easier than 3a.


Got my offstring yo-yo today (Spire). It’s hot out, so 30 mins is about all I’ve got in so far, but it’s fun! I’ve just been practicing throwing, catching, and binding. I’m trying to decide the best string to use. Thicker string binds easier, but more likely to snag on the next throw and come back at me.

Lesson 1: The yo-yo will roll back once it hits the ground, so don’t stand with rocks directly behind you.


fat string or OT normal


Finally got back outside for some more offstring practice. I am starting to be able to catch and bind consistently, but there’s still lots of running around after the dropped yo-yo. Got some nice barrel rolls to happen, though.

I’m trying to think of where I can play inside with minimal chance of breaking something.


Viper Remix is much less chaotic inside. Outside practice is way easier though for sure, at least until you can catch it on the bounce, which is not where I am.


Oh! I saw pictures of it, but I assumed the outside was hard polycarbonate or something similar. I didn’t realize it was softer. I’ll definitely keep that one in mind if/when I go for my next offstring.


My fav 4A since a while. Get one haha


Super soft but it feels solid to throw.


I usually throw in my office and set up blankets and pillows around the baseboards. I bet with cardboard up against the walls you’d likely lower the chance of denting the wall dramatically. As for other things, kinda depends on your room setup. The viper does look really nice for minimal damage though!


I hope to meet some of you 4A folks in Cleveland. I usually hang out with the spin top folks, but I will keep my eyes open for flying yo-yos.


There will be a bunch of 4a players there myself included! 4a is actually the largest X division at worlds this year so it should be a lot of fun! Looking forward to meeting y’all!


Playing with the “Top Shot” and timer options on my phone.


I love doing that, here’s some I did a while ago
(Sorry this ain’t 4A lol)


Cool! I especially like the first one.