yall are string making experts right? anyways, I’m hoping yall could help me with my problem. so I’m using a blend of 1/4 nylon 3/4 poly, reduced by 20% and after about 1.5-2 days of usage, its not holding its tension the way it used to when I just made it. any thoughts on how I can fix this? anything helps, thanks!
Not using your materials it’s hard for me to guess but I would try reducing to 15% and test. This amount will vary on your overall length also.
Some cup hooks and nails is all I needed, but I use a dremel on low speed since it’s faster and powerful enough. Well, and a board to make it easier, 1x3 @ 11ft length. It was wide enough for 2 complete strings each loading. Mount it up waist high if you can or you will feel it in your back lol.
Multiple is not necessary, but makes it much faster if you plan on making several or in my case back then, testing/learning. It was fun finding so much in something I ‘thought’ would be so simple.
So poly don’t last long it depends on the thread you are using so blends you have to make sure the thread have around the same life
wut sites yall get ur string from?
poly holds its tension better than nylon tho
I use wakwak or yli but most my stuff I buy local
i boht my lasst batch of thread from wakwak
Yeah there ligit and they have a Canada site , my neighbour runs the thread store I try to support
But the blends you
have to change the whol set up
Sorry meant to say you have to change everything up when you mix threads and try different blends I’ll make a poly\ nylon that last 1 hour and change thread on the poly and it last 3 days at least it’s all about what you use
Experience is key the more you try the more you make the more you know
Any packs received yet ?
Not yet. Ever watchful though.
If you have received a package, throw it away as it isn’t from me and may well be filled with poo. Don’t be fooled by imitations!
I have procrastinated successfully, and have managed to not mail these. I won’t give excuses, but it involves a new job and a new phone. Been crazy. But things are SUPER better now!
Today erthang got double checked, and dusted off…
Out this weekend or y’all can lynch me. I totally deserve it.
my friend you are forgiven, things are weird right now and it seems like we never get around to the things we mean to, but it’s ok. i do appreciate you telling us that was bold and you were an honest man about it, and it means our stuff wasn’t completely lost in the mail!
Eli have you gotten my string?
Wound up and in the joy-packs!