surprising, interesting and fun.
Thanks for getting the contest together again this year Greg. I always love seeing I’m not the only old feller still playing with toys.
My entry ended up being all fixed-axle. What a surprise ;).
your just fixed in your ways…
I have only been back into yoyoing for maybe 2 1/2 years now. But in that time I have been super busy with life/school/work. Going back to school while working full time takes a lot out of you including time. I do read the forum almost daily but don’t have the time to practice learning more tricks.
I do plan to compete in next years battle and always love seeing what us 30+ year old guys can do! Keep up the awesome work everyone! This isn’t a fad for us, its a hobby we all love.
No surprise. Not fast or flashy like a bearing throw, but so impressive, skillful and what yo-yoing is all about.
Here’s my entry. First time entering this contest & first ever video too.
Nothing special but hope y’all enjoy regardless.
Had fun and already looking forward to next year. It’ll give me something to work toward.
Good luck to everyone. Y’all are better than you think.
~ Throwin’ Down South
Amazing! Thanks for all the recent entries, guys! “Thanks, this was fun!” (which is always insanely gratifying to hear) is a top comment, but “This was my first video,” comes along pretty often as well.
In a lot of ways, that was why this whole thing started. As mentioned earlier by someone, most of us “over 30” types don’t really focus on the yoyo in an overly serious way, so we tend to not enter the “open to everybody” battles very often. And some of us are also a bit modest about our skill levels so we don’t make a whole lot of “trick edit” videos either, feeling like the top pros have those bases covered. It struck us a few years ago that a format just for this demographic might prove to be fun. A format in which winning would be cool but winning wasn’t the only goal. The main goal was to share a bit of our yoyoing with each other and errbody else.
I think that mission is achieved!
Thanks to our incredible list of sponsors, we also get a chance to send a bunch of prizes out, too, but the fun factor of making a video (first or otherwise) is an incredible motivator for a lot of people, too, it seems. Still, though… dem prize packs!
One day left to get a last-minute entry in! You first-year people (if there are still any holdouts) are still in the smaller category, giving you great odds of one of those Hildy/yooldman/Haponik fixie packs!
Thanks again,
Here’s my whole video – weird but cool to see what your yoyoing looks like from another perspective.
I originally had the idea for this video about 12 years ago or so, and when this contest was announced i knew it was time to make the idea a reality. Thank you Greg and the other contestants, I hope everyone enjoys my fixed axle interpretations.
Man, you guys are killing it! Sorry I didn’t include any fixed axle; I’ve been obsessed with shoot the moon tricks lately but film time outside is very limited for me ;D Never filmed myself yo-yoing before! Fun… sort of.
Yo-yos used: Yes
Music: Avett Brothers
Get down with Throwin’ Down South! Good play!
The camera man did ok for being 7. btw you throw good.
WOW! so many styles, so little time. Fun!
Thank ya sir.
Enjoying this contest a lot! Really appreciating all the entries & styles.
So, so busy right now - but managed to shoot this in one take on my phone before rushing to work. Quite a few mistakes, and I really should smile more, but I hope you guys enjoy it anyway.
Cape Town is windy…
Nice behind the back
Nice quick tricks! Digging that intro.
How will the “People’s Choice” category work? Will we all look through this thread and pick our favorite once the contest closes today or will there be a collection elsewhere of all the videos? Maybe a survey or something?
So I realized that the end of my video might not make a lot of sense for some people that haven’t seen the commercial it’s a parody of.
Anyway, the commercial used to play all the time around here and it gets pretty melodramatic after the 400th viewing.
If you’re interested here it is. I put it as a link instead of embedding it so that you wouldn’t have to see it unless you wanted too.
Edit: Sorry, somehow it popped up anyway.