2014 Mystery Box *SPOILER ALERT* - Official Discussion Thread

funny i don’t want a genesis, but i want a shutter and everyones like noooo no shutters please.

100$: un-hubstacked genesis,superstar,2013 supernova,protostar
200$:shu-ta ricochet,aviator or cyborg

$50- superstar or supernova plus popstar

$100- superstar, Shu-ta, cyborg


Adam has been hard at work building a Mystery Box mountain all day! Looks like it’s time to start packing up these bad boys!

and now its time to jump on all those boxes and make them flat again.

Don’t forget to pack the grand prize into my mystery box.

Darn! I feel terrible, i was getting the premium version :confused: Wondering if i should go for the 50 :frowning:

100 - Shu-ta, Super Nova, Cypher and a cheap one, been dying to try me a cypher!

Maybe a shutter.

I was on the Fence about picking up the $50 one cuz I don’t want another supernova but …

I’m going for it tonight

Guessing some of their most popular top selling yoyos is so strange. You people realize the point of the mystery box is to unload things that didn’t sell, right? The contents will almost surely be well worth the money but it’s likely going to be stuff like 2013 Supernova, old Genesis model and other stuff that has been completely phased out.


jeez whats next youre gonna tell the kids that santa isnt real?!

This. If it’s last years model or a highly unpopular model and has a high number of inventory, it’s most likely going to be in there. Didn’t they unload a ton of Roll Model, Protostar and Shaqlerstars on people using the mystery boxes? Oops has it right though, it’s YYEs way of giving people a good deal for the holidays and clear some warehouse space for all the newer/more popular throws that already sell off the shelves of are about to drop.

Even the $200 box will have older stuff that wouldn’t sell, plus the unique stuff (that also didn’t sell well). Not hating on it, I actually think it’s brilliant, they not only make a lot of sales but drive more customers to the shopping section of the website with money they are ready to spend, whether it’s on a mystery box or not, doesn’t matter.

I hope there isn’t a popstar. I have plenty. Whatever it is I’m sure it will be awesome.

YoyoExpert Garrett said that
“each $50 box is better than any of last years $50 boxes in my opinion. You won’t be disappointed!”

last years had equilaterals or hubstacked genesis and a protostar or shaql.

im assuming new superstars and czm8s or a pairing like that

get ready.

$50 could be

CZM8 and NorthStar plus extras

2013 Supernova and Hubstack plus extras

New Superstar and ONEstar plus extras

One box will include the grand prize.

Good call on the CZM8. Also I’ve been thinking 2013 Supernova as mentioned earlier in the thread.

Set them free!

I haven’t gotten the email yet and I’m on the mailing list. Have you?