Hey folks, working on a freestyle for 2011. Gonna go to the Pacific Northwest Yo-Yo Regionals in Seattle this February even if I have to friggen walk and I’m going to be ready. I’ll post updates of the freestyle as I clean it up and finalize it. Gonna have to make two of them though, gotta have a 1 minutes prelim that’s beast enough to get me into finals. If you know of any other songs with a similar beat that sound sick let me know, Idk how I feel about this song yet. Definitely getting into it though as you can see haha.
man, lookin’ GOOD! i like the fact that you actually throw WITH the music! i could see string hits matching beats, and that’s GREAT. plus, i can tell you’re really into the song, because you’re singing along in the background. that’s pretty sweet. nice hits, nice smooth, fluid, quick transitions. you had some nice full body movements, but i think if you want to score more points, you might want to add some more to it (full body-wise, i mean). at the beginning, you had some nice technical tricks, but the rest of your body was pretty still. i think you should move around a bit more during that part. seriously, though, that’s a solid routine, without a doubt.
Thank you Shaun! I’ll work on adding more body movement to the beginning of the routine. I might have to move that trick to later in the freestyle, i need to start it out with a bang you know?
Maybe some horizonal tricks? I’m still a little weak on them but i have a few months to work out a decent 10 - 15 second combo to take the place of that first trick.
if you’re a little weak on horizontal tricks, then don’t bother with them. work on your strengths. you have nice, tight, clean strings hits. work on THOSE. don’t get flashy, develop the stuff you already have, and, i assure you, you already have talent. develop what you have. i’m not sure about what the judges like, but i know the popular stuff is chopsticks transition stuff, a little bit of eli-hop style stuff, and hops in general. arms tricks are good, but make them different. brent stole type stuff and smooth transition slack/whips are great, too. develop your strengths. make your routine clean and smooth. you’ll be noticed and remembered, i assure you.
Singing along! YES! ;D
omg im backin out of the comp
This is a RAW freestyle! I loved it! Can’t wait to see it in PNWR!
This is the kind of freestyle that I love losing to at a contest. XD
But seriously, there was a lot of things about this that were awesome. My only suggestion would be to space out the tech stuff. Like, aesthetically, I feel like that would be better because toward the end you just look like you ran out of string hits. XD
Also, I agree with movement.
There you go. My two cents.