Just saw on my Twitter feed that Kengo just announced an upcoming release of the original Sleipnir. If this ends up selling at its original price, I would definitely cop that!
The last time they sold for $160.
But it’s a sleipnir!!
mine was like 150 or something for the raw but I might be wrong
Sleipnir From Oregon would be an instant copp
would be rad if they machined it from its original japanese CNC factory in kengo’s hometown. Fingers crossed if its still made in 7075
I don’t plan on dropping $150+ on one, but this is really cool for those who have been chasing a Sleipnir.
If it is not made of 7075; it is not a Sleipnir.
I wish they would do another run of the OG Draupnir too. There are so many people looking for them that I would think it would be an insta-sellout.
Agreed. I wouldn’t want a nerfed Sleipnir.
Based on Japanese customers post via twitter, the 2025 sleipnir sells at 14,800 JPY / roughly 99-100 USD
I wonder what Shinya thinks about it
probably none but ive heard they’re back in good terms with kengo long time ago
…But still no YYR on Rewind? If they have patched things up, why is Kengo not selling on Shinya’s store? It seems like Rewind is still the only retailer that does not get YYR.
Well, if they did patch things up, then it’s probably just a simple matter of the format financial ramifications
Shinya’s Site gets most of their yo-yos wholesale and sells them retail. Their primary market is probably in Japan, even though they ship all over the place so they are making the markup from wholesale to retail.
Kengo knows His brother store has a great variety of yo-yos. By the same token, he knows that Shinya is not gonna suffer if he doesn’t have any of his brother’s yo-yos to sell.
Kengo Sells direct from the manufacturer at retail.
He has established a market overtime somewhat like Jake at G2. G2 has a certain following that’s fairly constant.
Kengo Has established a direct purchase following, which is probably also primarily Japan based.
If Kengo is comfortable with the number of yo-yos he sells directly at retail, he would only be losing money by marking down the yo-yos before he sent them to his brother. I certainly don’t think it has anything to do with their relationship. I think it has more to do with just logical business sense.
I like you you like me… We’re brothers you sell your stuff I’ll sell my stuff… Let’s go to lunch.
if we are talking about asia store retailers that don’t sell yyrs there’s three actually, rewind & yoyoshop sg and topsyo.
Gone in less than 3 mins
yep hahaha I’m too slow on adding the cart, might as well wait for the 2nd run soon
I didn’t even realize that was happening yesterday.