Well, I asked on my fanpage if people would want 1a tutorials, and they definitely said yes. So with that, here is a tutorial of one of my most popular 1a only tricks…the 1.5 red triangle 360 suicide. Its fairly easy and fun.
Get at it
Well, I asked on my fanpage if people would want 1a tutorials, and they definitely said yes. So with that, here is a tutorial of one of my most popular 1a only tricks…the 1.5 red triangle 360 suicide. Its fairly easy and fun.
Get at it
ill learn it in the mornin! its 230am and i should be doing my homework… meh.the RT suicide is just like in orichilum where you throw and recatch correct?
That was one whole big of a GREAT tutorial! Detailed and clear. I love your attitude too! Gives me inspiration.
Wicked trick and boss tut, I am offically adding this to my must learn trick list.