What are you hoping for this holiday season? Christmas lists! MERGED

Ok. The title may not be politically correct because idk if all of us celebrate Christmas. I do but discussion of religion is against the rules. Which I think is great. But, what are all of your Christmas wishes? I know some of us are older and not a 13 year old such as I, but as a wise woman once said (TA), don’t we all have to be young at heart to enjoy yoyoing? This list doesn’t have to be yoyo related, because I have multiple items not yoyo related on my list. So here we go:

1: Mustache Man One Drop CHIK!
1: Pink w/ Black and Silver SPLASH One Drop Code2
1: Anti Yo Bapezilla.2
5: 10 packs of Unknown Jackrabbits (Yellow)
5: 10 packs of Unknown Annihilators (Orange)
5: 10 packs of YYSL Type X or Venom (Blood Red B+)
Maybe some Monkey Snot or Flowable

New baseball glove

So yeah that’s mine. It’s. Subject to change but I have a start.

PS: don’t think I’m a spoiled little brat. This is spread out between 3 sets of grandparents, my parents, and several secret Santas. It really helps that I’m the favorite of all of them.

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Yoyo Related:
C3 Krown
YYR Mr. Butcher

Fifa 14 for Ps4
CoD Ghost for Ps4

Definitely wont be getting all of that but I give that to family and they choose want they want to give me might add Bearings or String but for now that’s it.

I really don’t know…

  1. Time with family. Sounds crazy to some, but it’s always the best part of holidays for me.
  2. Great snow for skiing.
  3. Presents are the icing on the cake. (Any yo would be nice)
  4. Oh yeah almost forgot: Great food! :smiley:

i wish Christmas was in my country…

well what do you have? I’m decent at geography and world culture stuff but can’t remember what you guys celebrate?..

A colored Yeti (I got a first run yesterday,it is my everything right now)
A CLYW sweatshirt
Aquabats sweatshirt
One Drop Rally
a job( I’m going to college next year,need that moola)

1 C3 Krown
1 YYJ Diamondback
1 Biggie Kendama
1 OlloClip

  1. C3 Electric Flash
  2. C3 berserker, or C3 KROWN
  3. Southern marsh shirts
  4. khakis
  5. CLYW Bonfire if it’s out by then.
  6. Nike free runs
  7. Nike elite socks
  8. Pokemon Y
  9. COD Ghosts
  10. Duncan Barracuda

Giving my family and others a few choices on what they can give me. I’ve got a bunch of other stuff on my list. This is just the main things. I don’t excpect all of this, this is just my list lol. I’m a Christian, Baptist. Just wanted to share my religion. Y’all can share y’all’s, I don’t want to start a religion battle tho. Lol

idk what im even actually asking for, lots of miscellaneous stuff. no yoyos besides a worlds gobig, cause i REALLLLYYYY need a gobig. That yoyo man; so good.

My dad (and mom) is currently unemployed, so I dont think ill be getting anything other than garage sale yoyos, but my “want” list is-

  1. Clyw x one drop summit
  2. Clyw cheif
  3. Small pack of a few different kinds of YYSL string to try
    4 A pair of unleashed
  4. ReXtreme 2

ATI Radeon 7950 boost 3GB GPU
Intel i5 3550k CPU
ASRock Extreme 3 Gen 3 Motherboard
850w PSU
Thermaltake Commander Snow Case

Canon F1.8 mkII lens

Cross bars for my subaru

Radio with AUX input



Visa Gift cards (For yoyos!)

A Quantum.

I’m basically the only person under 18 in my close family, so I usually get quite a bit from my parents and grandparents.

I’m getting an Epic, Rally and JFF, along with a few yoyo accessories.

As for NYYR, I’m getting a couple pairs of shorts and a couple shirts. I’m also getting a new keyboard (Cooler Master Quickfire Rapid with cherry brown switches).

My wish list for christmas & my birthday cause my birthday is next week.
1.sweets stained kendma green
2. Response pads for my di base
3. Kitty string
4. Earring cuffs
6. holsters of sorts
7. Orbitron 5000
8. One drop chik
9. General yo prestige.

Lol… He’s in Israel… Which is mostly Jewish. Assuming that he is too, he would celebrate Hanukkah. I mean, some people do get presents for Hanukkah though.

was thinking that. But remember the Crusades. A failed attempt for Christians to drive Muslims and Jews out of Jerusalem. So I figured he might be Islamic, and therefore would celebrate Ramadan in I believe July? Idk, but bein the smartest kid in your entire eighth grade class is great. Lol. I’m a complete slacker tho. I just whoop everyone in any of the scholastic quiz bowl and Scholar Bowl events. Captain!

Great post. I was planning on listing a bunch of yoyos, toys, etc.

But, this really shows the more important things in life. Especially your family.

80% of Israelis are Jewish. So he’s most likely Jewish, although its very possible he is Muslim.