Sudden urge

I don’t know why all of a sudden I had this sudden urge to collect only clear view station and 28 stories Caribou Lodges. I literally sold all of my CLYWs so that I can go on the b/s/t or try to get one before they all sold out.

Anyways, it took some time to get to where I am now so don’t know if I want to continue :smiley:

We have Clear view station : Chief, Puffin, Arctic Circle, Gnarwhal.
28 stories : Avalanche (not new avalanche this was actually my first ever CLYW from early 2011, Sasquatch and Marmot.

Oh yeah Jason Wong Ano’d Fools gold Peak, this thing is mint and probably one of the smoothest peak I ever played with. (thanks again Jason)

Also I have been looking for a wooly MarKmont for a while just so I can post this pic :


I want the Wooly Marmont Mont so badly.

I was in VA states and one of my good friend Johnny just happened to have this sitting in his case. I told him I had to have it and he couldn’t say no ;D.