I need help with boingy boing

i can get it a little bit but i keep watching andres vid ive been tryin for a year now ive been yoyoing for 5yrs so im not new just need tips

only try and move your throwhand up and down, keep your nonthrow hand still, also keep the strings parallel.

Go like into a Mach 5 and start boinging

It takes time, patience and practice. Keep trying, its a trick where 1 day you’ll get the motion down and be boinging like pros lol.

no help at all

That video should have everything you need to know.

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Unfortunately it is a trick that just takes a lot of practice - carefully watch that video again for any subtle movement you may be missing.

Key factors:
Keep your hands directly on top of each other and the string perfectly straight up and down.
When you make the up and down motion your hand needs to go straight up and down - the yo-yo is simply bouncing between those two strings.

And lots of practice - it is a hard trick - we have met pros who still have a hard time doing this one perfect!

Good luck!

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Andre posted on this thread, EPIC

duuuuuude total epicness