X-ConVict pumpkin

I carved this for our pumpkin carving contest at work. Thought you might enjoy it.
People didn’t get it.


OH MY GOSH!!thats completely amazing!!!


Sweet and so clean. Really nice job man!

That is the Best Jack-o-Lantern I have Ever Seen.

that is the most amazing thing iv ever seen

thats cool.
how can you get an idea for that?

:o Fantastic job!

That is spectacular, sir. Excellent job!

Thats legit.

ah man! That’s awesome!! You got some pumpkin skills! :o


Thats so original. Nice job! Maybe you can make a Gnarwhal pumkin.

that is so epic. completely identical to the actual pic

That’s amazing.
Nice work.

Uber awesome, coolest pumpkin ever!!


That’s awesome!!!

Awesome !! :o :o

JD would be proud…