Bump, yeti and majesty up.
I’ll sell you my Grey Bip Bop Chief, very few pinpricks and very minor as well. I’d let it go for around $130 as I bought it for $250. There were only ten ever made, after all.
Bumo, CLYW Clareview Chief, Matsuri chief, G2 Quake up
Bump, new chiefs up, triton up
Bump. yeti gone, Summit still up
Last bump for the Bonfire!!
pm sent
Hb tis. Il giv u 45 fro teh bnfir if u shup it 2day
Would you consider just selling this? I really should have gotten this colorway when I picked up my puffin 2. Is there any dings/scratches/pinpricks on this at all?
Bump, want puffin 2 and canvas and cascade
Bump. cliff up, puffin sold
Rise. Thanks for helping btw
Bump, Bonfire up northern lights
Badump, new puffin 2 up
Bump bring me the space cowboy or gnarwhal 2 or wooly marmot 2