YYF Too HOT ProtoType Release & Harold Owens III LIVE CHAT!

I’m seriously considering ordering one of these right now! I had a yoyo in my budget this week, but I was only gonna blow up to $40… I’m torn.

For the people who have both:

Which do you prefer H.O.T or Too Hot?

My feelings…in a zone…off the top:

Throw that TooH.O.T, and Throw 'til you drop,
The OG is sweet but TooH.O.T. can’t be beat,
Both are winners, but the second one is thinner,
TooH.O.T is the fastest and the finish is blasted.
Pick either one, if your cash is right,
But if not, that TooH.O.T costs half the price.


Only 17 left. I’m hoping most of you get paid on Friday and buy them up, so we can anticipate the next run. ;D I love these TooH.O.T.s.

Are they really that good?

I got paid recently and I was going to buy a Something Addiction but if they are that good I might just start twinning with LeftyLink.

I really do love it. And, I just can’t believe the price tag on it. But, even if you miss it this go 'round, you know it will be out again with a different look. So, I do recommend getting one at some point.

Let’s see, the HOT:
Lighter, a bit more float to it (not floaty so to speak, but a unique feel)
Less nimble I feel like.

More solid

For my current preferences, I like the tooHOT better. If you have me both a year ago, I would’ve liked the original better. Hmm…

I have to agree, that they are both great…just different. You could almost pick up either on a given day and that would be your preference. I’m enjoying the difference in the TooH.O.T. right now, and I have smaller hands, so this is really working for me in a great way. Also, that price tag just gives it such an edge too. :wink:

I finally did it… ordered my TooHot just now ;D 10 left…

last night I saw that there was only 1 left and I panicked and bought it :smile:

What? The last ten sold fast.

I was watching it too. Friday was payday for a lot of folks. I think they had their eye on the Too H.O.T. all week. :wink:

Does anyone know what the total number released was? I remember seeing 53 or something in stock, but I know there were more than that…

I’ve had my eye on it much longer than last week. The planets aligned though and I went for it… Just in time too.

I believe the number was 150

120 I’m pretty sure.

I thought it was only 100 even. :-\

I heard André say about 100 so I doubt it was as high as 150. 100-120 sound right.

I was on the page right after the chat as soon as it loaded and there was 125.

Well, I’ve been playing mine for a couple days now and it is, like Total Artist said earlier, very stable! This yoyo is one of my favorite throws now! It’s like my shutter and my cascade had a baby!