YYE trading cards

I got mine today I got Augie Fash for YYF, Guy Wright for SPYY, Alex Berenguel for CLYW, John Ando for YYF, Johnnie DelValle for YYJ, Patrick Mitchell for YYF

Magleeto x4, Alex Berenguel, Yuuki.

Wow… Lucky…

who would be interested in any of the cards I recieved?

Augie Fash for YYF, Guy Wright for SPYY, Alex Berenguel for CLYW, John Ando for YYF, Johnnie DelValle for YYJ, Patrick Mitchell for YYF

Anyone got anything? Other than the cards.

I got Guy Wright, Alex B., and Andre Boulay!! ;D

I didn’t get any…
Because I order my yoyo… Then the next day… These cards showed up…
Do you guys have any idea who’s on the Limited one??
Steve Brown?


i have yuuki spencer,sebastion brock,paul han,jensen kimmit,2 joseph harris,grant johnson, and grzesiek “gaberus” piwowarek =)

i got a package today and got a hiroyuki suzuki world champion limited edition card for yoyojam!

I got 4
Patrick Mitchell, Sebastian Brock, John Ando, Johnnie Delvalle ;D

this thread is over a month old!

But its one of those that dont die… Necroing is bad when like I ask a question in november…
It gets resolved… I make the mistake of not locking it
Today some one browsing the forums sees it and gives it an answer… Thats bad…