Yuuki Spencer Worlds Analysis 2002

Ignore my 1 minute of really messy hair about 4 minutes in lol


Really digging this series a lot and can’t wait to see the future episodes also!


Thank you! I hope to keep it up!


Yea, this is gonna be a great series!

My takeaway from this one is that technicality is on the rise, and now the goal is to just have less mistakes.

As for the yoyo being responsive or not, id be interested in hearing from the guys here who yoyoed during this time. I am seeing a responsive yoyo set up loose, so I guess you would call this semi-responsive? I have a few yoyos that I have set up in a way where I can tug them back, but if I want a snappy recovery on the downside of the spin, i’ll have to bind it. Was fully unresponsive play even a thing in 2002?


Another great video @MoosaK! Thanks for putting these together. It’ll be fun to see the progression of yoyo world champs over the last 20 years. The elements he’s doing on a responsive/semi responsive Freehand are mind blowing!

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Thanks @TheThrowingGnome and @eternalmetal.

Actually Jei, who commented above, mentioned to me that people would bind responsive throws too if they were running out of spin to give them a push. I guess semi responsive is an appropriate term here.

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After knowing unresponsive technique, it is almost impossible not to want to use it when rescuing yourself out of a potential low rpm bind. With fixed axle you will just bind up if you do this (which is why you do something else), with classic responsive you also wont have much more power than just winding the yoyo up, but if you got enough weight and bearing spin you can do a nice bind without jamming the string up. If full responsive was never a thing, then I imagine this performance at least influenced it even more.

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