I picked one yoyo from my collection to represent each letter of the alphabet. The yoyo I chose in each case wasn’t necessarily my favorite yoyo that started with the given letter, but the one whose name I liked best (sometimes it was also my favorite).
#: 000
A: Anomaly
B: Banshee
C: Conspiracy
D: Draupnir
E: Endgame
F: Flux
G: Grail
H: Hummingbird
I: Imperial
J: Joyride
K: Kuntosh
L: Lust
M: Moonshine
N: Node
O: Oscillator
P: Parlay
R: RockStar
S: Surveillance
T: Trident
V: Virtuoso
W: Wedge
Z: Zeppelin
As you can see, I don’t have any yoyos whose names begin with Q, U, X, or Y. Is there a yoyo out there that starts with the letter X?