YoYoFriends Magpie 2.0 new release and Peregrine new colors!


Introducing the newly remodeled Magpie 2 from YoYoFriends!

As yoyo tricks and player skills evolve, so must the yoyos! YoYoFriends took their experiences gathered throughout the years to fine tune their earlier Magpie design. They got rid of the fingerspin hub to reduce center weight and push more material to the rim for improved power and stability. You’ll also notice the rim is rounded off for better comfort in the hand and the width is increased to enhance the feel and catchability in play!

Releasing Friday 3/25 @ 8PM EDT.


The Peregrine was created based on the input of every yoyofriends team member. Clean lines and a simple aesthetic and with one goal in mind, maximizing performance for competition. It has a wide catch zone for ease of string hits with wrap around stainless steel outer rings and a 7068 body for the ideal weight distribution. It’s lightweight with impressive speed and acceleration yet very maneuverable for those quick direction changes.

Releasing Friday 3/25 @ 8PM EDT.


Will there be any brass ring Peregrines in this release?

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I think those are only available on the YoyoFriends site.


Wow great choice of new colors. Wish I could trade in my basically BNIB lavender one for the blue one! One can only dream of a yoyo trade in program…

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