YoYoExpert Weekend Contest!

Please do!

I’m in, hope it’s in the morning abotu 6-8 AM PST. I’m gonna be at the beach all day and I so want to T-Shirt. How bout someone shares a T-Shirt with me and I win on Sunday then I’ll get them something?

Oh Samad, maybe Kim can give you a ride. You two are about 45- and Hour away…

He can’t :frowning:

Well whatever, see ya there Logan and Kim-Lan!

I hope me going to dxl donst harm my chance of winning. That would be sad! :’(


Justin and Jason’s mom and dad pulled through. SEE YOU GUYS AT DXL!!!

Ha yay Samad and Justin and Jason’s mom and dad!

Can’t wait for this YoyoExpert contest. Should be fun.

See ya there.

Man, i live in singapore, so my time is 12 hours ahead :’(

Then you got the nighttime covered! All of us (probably) will be sleeping if André chooses to post one really late/early.

I don’t sleep. :o

EDIT: I think I am going to sleep now. If the post is posted before I wake up, Congrats to the winner!

If I win(which i’m sure i won’t) i’m gonna buy a yoyojam legacy! ;D

I’m hoping my parents will let me buy a XDDNA.

If I win I’m gonna get a kickside or FHZ to start 5A :smiley: