


Woah! Amazing! I loved it.
Nice music too.

EPIC. Nuff said. :wink:

Hey man just wanted to let u know ur my favorite Yoyoers keep doin what u do u got one fan out here ;D buy the way please make a tutorial if u have time of that wrist mount combo in the speed combo vid I can never get it down Thanks

Thanks for the comments guys!

Mike: Thank you, and I donโ€™t know which trick do you have in mind, but I can surely make a tutorial for you :slight_smile:

Amazing video!

Can you make a tut on the star trick?

This is amazing!!!

first video in a while where a saw video editing greatly enhance the quality of the video

Wow, that was really something else. Incredible style!

Well YOUโ€™RE awesome. I was blown away.
btw, wht yoyo is that?

My mind was blown!


yoskater: Yoyo is Supernova Jon Rob edition w/o engravings.

Wait a minute, are you sponsored, cause you should be.


I agree! A tut on the star trick would be awesome.

Yeah, it would be helpful.


This was phenomenal.

Best video ever, period

Holy Cow that rocked.