Yoyo size measurement for 3D printing and general need for help

Hey guys!

Since i started yoyoing, i’ve always wanted to design my own, and i thought i could try 3D printing one. I need some general help, about the measurements tho… What sizes should i make place for the bearing, and how do i design that in general? I want it to be unresponsive, so this is a huge deal, if I can’t get it to work, probaly. And do any of you tried printing a yoyo before, and how did that end up, and can you come with some advice for me?
By the way, the pictures are some early concepts arts.



http://i.imgur.com/jkJFD5O.png http://i.imgur.com/I2aeIB4.png

first off that isn’t going to work…

The rims being that high aren’t going to be able to stand against a hit against the ground. They are also going to be very uncomfortable to catch. It was a good idea to add some rim weight but that weight needs to really be added elsewhere and not by extending the rim very high. Now that cup has a few issues too that need to be addressed. The curve shape of the cup is going to cause some issues on many types of printers that are commonly found unless you can get your hands on a high grade professional printer. Its a start but you definitely need to talk to someone like Kyo from Kyotoys about how you should go about it.

Also do you have any idea how to make a bearing seat and how to join the two halves together.

Thanks for the help! No, this is my first time trying to design a yoyo, and need alot of help, like you mentioned. I can see the problem about the cup and the rim, and i will get it fixed. I will try talking with someone with more knowledge of it, before i start anything. Thanks!

Check with the guy that started this topic:
Some 3D Printed Yoyos

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