Anodizing creates little bumps on the yoyo, then dye fills the holes and you seal it but closing those holes when you steam it. I think your getting mixed up with nickel and nickel oxide.
Anodizing creates little bumps on the yoyo, then dye fills the holes and you seal it but closing those holes when you steam it. I think your getting mixed up with nickel and nickel oxide.
[quote=“Cameron (and his yoyo),post:21,topic:17770”]
I don’t see what’s so hard about this. You dye anodization and that’s what gives it the color. If you paint it, the paint covers it, just as it would any other surface. You get a painted surface. Paint doesn’t penetrate, dye does.
What I’m saying is could you dilute paint with water like you do with dye to where it could be accepted into the metal, except since no one has tried it I don’t think you know what would happen.
[quote=“Cameron (and his yoyo),post:23,topic:17770”]
What I’m saying is no.
[quote=“Cameron (and his yoyo),post:23,topic:17770”]
[quote=“Cameron (and his yoyo),post:23,topic:17770”]
What I’m saying is no.
Who has tried it then?
[quote=“Cameron (and his yoyo),post:25,topic:17770”]
Couldn’t tell you personally, but there is a reason anyone with anodizing experience will tell you why you can’t anodize white*, glow, or fluorescent colors. You have to use dye. Paint doesn’t work. The pores are too small. Trying to argue with me about it won’t change how it is.
*Well, it is possible to anodize in white, but it’s a different procedure and doesn’t involve dye or paint. And, well…have fun finding someone to do it for you.
Cameron, Jacob has a more profound knowledge of this sort of thing than you or me could ever hope to have. Enough.
It’s basic science Cameron. You don’t seem to have a solid grasp on the difference between the layer of oxidization that anodizing forms, versus a rigid sanded surface used for priming paint. They are not the same. I don’t like to rule anything out as impossible, but it’s extremely unlikely there will ever be any sort of dye useful with an anodization process that could glow, and if there ever is it wouldn’t work like current glow paints or necessarily be practical for use.
But having watched with interest several discussions about it over the years, I think I’ve learned the answer. Which is, incidentally, also quite easily found with a bit of help from Google.
Coming from an anodizer. “Paint won’t work at all. it actually looks terrible and rubs of very quickly. It doesn’t penetrate the ano so it just doesn’t work.”
That being said…LOCK!!!