Yomega Stepping up

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with Yomega offering a $90 yoyo.

Let’s look at many other companies, NEW companies, that are selling at the $90 and above:

Eternal Throw
Square Wheels

Those are all effectively new/unknown companies and any offering is going to be considered high risk to people. I have at least one from each of those brands and I can tell you the risk is low.

While I’m not Yomega’s biggest fan, I also don’t dislike the brand. All I am willing to say at this point is that I’m currently not interested in the Glide for no valid reason other than “I’m just not interested in it at this point im time”. My opinion is subject to change without notice.

Look at Duncan, associated with cheap plastic yoyos, yet has a killer metal line with many great throws available that virtually nobody outside the “yoyo community” has heard of. At the same time, those not on the inside can’t justify spending that. Yomega is in the same position but is just more abstracted because of not the same level of brand recognition. I do want a Barracuda, which is Duncan. Why? Because I played one at liked it. If I get a chance to play a Glide(and I would like to), I’ll probably alter my decision at that point, or maybe not.

I think Yomega needs to get some big name players together and form a new team. Even if only 1 who can do respectable, that’s all they need.

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I don’t know if it’s fair to compare Yomega to Duncan or start up companies. Yomega have a somewhat negative reputation, where as companies like Duncan and other start up companies don’t. First, they have (had) a habit of producing yoyos with non standard parts, such as crazy sized bearings and wonky response systems. Secondly, they have had very few yoyos that have any real success in the modern yoyo community, the only really being the Raider series. And of course, the WYYC fiasco certainly didn’t help their reputation.

Don’t get me wrong - I really want to see Yomega succeed. Recently, by adapting their yoyos to standard parts they have really been making an effort to get into the modern yoyo community.

Hopefully the glide will get them into the yoyo community. I tried a proto out at worlds and I really enjoyed it.

Yomega is under new management and is moving forward in a positive direction. The Glide is just one of those steps towards that new direction. Don’t say negative stuff about the glide until you try it then everyone is entitled to their opinion once you have throw it, but do it with an open mind.

I think it’s time we let that one go…


what happend i am fairly new to the yoyo community so just curious about what happend

It happened like 6 years ago. It’s barely even worth mentioning.


That pretty well sums it up.
Let’s drop it.

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