WTB / TF Anubis, Borealis, Levi 6 / 7, Blink, and more!

Looking to buy or trade for (in order of how much I want it):

  • Anubis
  • Borealis
  • Leviathan 6 / 7
  • Blink (normal or +2, preferably anodized)
  • FiRROX
  • AC2 (not Confetti, preferably green, Maiderade, CRYO, or Harrison Hurricane)
  • Orca (preferably green, Harrison Hurricane [Fade] or Maiderade)
  • Palpitation
  • Grasshopper
  • Origami

PM me for stuff I have for trade :slight_smile:


Looking to sell / trade, you can find everything I have here (includes damage, description, and vibe if not mint). May add more later. PM me for pictures of damage (if applicable), prices, and offers.

Looking for (in order of greatest to least want):

  • *** Cash
  • *** Anubis
  • ** Borealis (especially Harrison Hurricane Fade, gold, red)
    • Orca (especially Maiderade, Harrison Hurricane [Fade], gold, C.R.Y.O., clear, green)
    • Arctic Circle 2 (especially Maiderade, Harrison Hurricane, C.R.Y.O., green)
    • Leviathan 6 / 7
  • Offers
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