why pay more?

Why do you use so many "…"s

You should see some of his other posts. It’s crazy how much he likes to use ellipses.

The reason people buy expensive yoyo’s compared to other cheap ones?

Because they can and want to.

Picking a yoyo comes down to preference, shape, color, specs. Everything is a variable and people are willing to spend more money for something that in their eyes is whats more comfortable to play with.

Its like debating wether to buy a plastic or a metal yoyo.

Like iv said before, the player makes the yoyo. But if your not comfortable playing with that yoyo, you wont play your best.

i love my dv888 just everything about it just feels right to me. Its all matter of preference I guess. I just got a one drop dingo. I like it but it made me appreciate and love my dv888 even more. I probably like a bigger heavier yoyos. The Dingo is small but pretty heavy for its size. I threw my friends Dark Magic the other day and it felt very awkward to me and i didnt enjoy it but then when i threw his Dif e yo Overhaul Omg if i had 105 to drop on a yo right then I WOULD HAVE. That is an amazing yoyo. So it really is what feels good and what a person is willing to pay to make a good throw.

If you’re a competitive yoyoer, there are a ton of reasons why you would take, say, a Genesis, over a Dv888. If you play for fun, then you’re buying the 120+ yoyo because you have the money.

it’s not as easy as that, unfortunately

I’ve got $1,800 minimum in yoyos. Why? I like them. They are fun each one is unique and I live in America. That means more= better. I’m allowed to have the option.

When I first started I had trouble making myself no feel guilty for buying a $40 Dark Magic. Looking back I wish I would have skipped it and gotten something else. You DO get what you pay for.

The same principle lies in all products we use. Why do people buy luxury cars when a cheaper car can do the job? Why do people buy expensive smartphones when a cheaper one can also do the same thing? The reason lies in the overall feel of the products. A more expensive yoyo is usually smoother and less vibey than a cheaper one, making it more enjoyable. Since yoyoing is a hobby meant to be enjoyed, it makes sense to buy a yoyo that we enjoy better.

As a matter of fact, it is.

It is ALL about marketing, whether you think you are “immune” to marketing in any specter or not. The only reason you buy anything is marketing.

^Wow it’s funny to think of how simply this puts everything in perspective everything from first throw (Butterfly to Gnarwhal) was pretty much marketing… or marketing related. Love of throwing had a lot to do with it to.

Contest is partialy marketing too.
Anything related to make people aware of product is marketing.
Team member and signature series…
and people, do you really think that you buy a premium yoyo just because you can?
No want or need?

it’s not just preference. It’s quality and the design. Generally, the cheaper yoyos are simpler, unless made in china, etc…

CLYW is high because of the high level of quality as well as the unique, enjoyable variety in their designs.

It’s alot of factors, but honestly, my Sasquatch outplays any other yoyo I’ve ever thrown, and I’m glad I got it, even if it was 115.

look at it this way, my 2010 severe can handle almost 2 m,ins of revolutions dv888 more like 20 seconds and dv888 can handle lots of things but its fun to colect like i could do ladder escape with 30 dollar protostar ( bad example its like the best yoyo ever imo but its cheap) or my 120 skyline but maybe its more fun to do it with a skyline or a mighty flea lol XD

In my opinion the dv888 is a great throw. I think it can handle everything just as well as any throw at a higher cost. If the dv888 feels right to you then why buy a more expensive throw? Personally I haven’t found a yoyo that is absolutely perfect for me. So until I find the perfect shape, weight, and size throw, I’ll keep dropping large amounts of money on yoyos. I just really enjoy throwing, the more you get into it the more you don’t mind buying a 100 dollar yoyo. Play the dv888 for a few months, guarantee your going to want to buy something better…you gotta see what the hypes about…OMG it is marketing…I’m brainwashed too…

Good question. I think some people like the feel of a more expensive yoyo. You could argue that even though it handles anything there are still other yoyos that can do it better. Plus it sounds cool to brag on how you have a 100$ yoyo. :stuck_out_tongue:

umm… wrong thread? I think you meant this in a different thread =P

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Whoa! Sorry about that. I’ll go and modify my post.

I’ll say it again. Quality is a HUGE price factor :smiley:

Q is right on some aspects, but yoyoing itself isn’t mainly marketing. All companies make hype about their yoyos, which is marketing. They WANT you to buy it.

However, there are some yoyos that people will buy simply because that brand is associated with High Quality.

Without quality there isn’t much to market.

no one is immune to it, either you assume it, either you don’t, but unless you live in the woods all alone, you’re a consumer, and we, the western people, are MASS consumers. What we spend in a yoyo could be used by families to live for a month in some parts of the world.

this too

and this as well, feel and built quality.

but all in all, it’s because we’re consumers.

I just bought a $140 offstring throw, do I need it ? certainly not, I just started 4A a couple days ago. do I want it ? yes

why ?

  • so I can “brag” about it
  • so I’ll be “satisfied” to have something that only few other people have (only those who were dumb enough like me to think they actually “need” it)
  • so I can feel “special”

am I ashamed of myself?
