Why I'll no longer be buying Duncan

Sorry to hear you’re another victim. It’s sad to see them riding on their legacy at this point rather than being a decent company. Have you been trying to contact Duncan or AreaTrend (their 3rd-party returns handler)?

You might try:
Jardin, Bryan • bjardin@flambeau.com

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I tried the phone number on the packing slip (I guess that’s AreaTrend) as well as the contact phone number on the Duncan website.

Thanks. I did message him here on the forum, but I’m not sure how often he visits. I may try that email as well, but I honestly feel like I shouldn’t bother him since customer service isn’t his responsibility, but man the situation has gotten kinda silly.


I just mentioned Bryan because he stepped in and asked for my order to be expedited when I was having an issue during the 2021 sale.

PS I sent you the email for the CS person I was dealing with during that incident.


Looks like it may be bryan@yo-yo.com

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yoyoexpert > all other retailers


Hey folks, I just saw this now. Someone sent me the link.

This year’s campaign is our biggest list since 2018. Now that there isn’t a pandemic, we’ve utilized our entire mailing list from email signups, scout leaders, scouting, cub scouts, summer camps, and more. Consequently, this is also our highest volume ever for our YOYODAY campaign.

Here are some key points:

  • This is our largest promotion to date in terms of orders and participation. As mentioned above, we’ve utilized our entire mailing list throughout the campaign.
  • This year has been our best for customer service, as we’ve received many more thank-you notes and appreciation. The last two years were disappointing due to several errors on our part, so our CS is taking this as a short win.

Out of all the orders, we’ve received only 20+ complaints, which is less than 5% of the total. Unfortunately, these individuals are part of our community, and we take their concerns seriously.

We have addressed issues such as replacing orders for international shipments where UPS couldn’t locate our products in their international hub. We have also replaced broken products, issued refunds, and refunded customers who received partial shipments due to inventory shortages. The reasons for the inventory shortages are twofold: 1) Some products had been sitting on shelves for too long, resulting in damaged packaging and goods. 2) We added products with less than 10 pieces, which led to impulse purchases and our cart solution mistakenly accepting orders for items that were out of stock.

Depending on the nature of the complaints, there are only a few actions I can take. If you have concerns related to refunds, replaced lost shipments, partial shipments, broken products during transit, or delayed tracking, I would like to apologize on behalf of Duncan Toys.

This is also the main reason why we are prioritizing our new lineups with various retailers.

If you wish to send personal memos or address recurring issues, please email bryan@yo-yo.com or info@yo-yo.com.

I am going through all the notes here, but I wanted to respond in general.

Thank you and my apologies once again.


I really appreciate Bryan jumping on these issues quickly and for the full transparency and explanation.

Thank you, Bryan!

Ok, so as a followup to my situation specifically… In an absolutely bizarre twist of fate, the replacement yo-yo I requested showed up on my door step unannounced literally 5 minutes ago.

Evidently, one or more of my messages were received and a replacement was issued at some point. Can’t argue with that. I’m just wondering why no one replied and let me know they were taking care of it. Anyway, it’s all good now!

Kudos to Duncan!


So Duncan is bud light now?

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Duncan yoyo mafia silently getting things done.