My question arises from this: the bearing my YYR Valkyrie came stock with has needed maintenance like 6 times for 20 or so cumulative hours of play while my C3 Hydrogen Crash bearing took legitimately 30 or so hours to start developing the slight hissing sound of maintenance being needed.
As far as I’m aware of both the bearings are nearly identical, aside from the etching on the YYR bearing.
The indestructo-bearing made of space magic that C3 put in the Crash. Unlike the YYR bearing all I know about it is that it is also a C-bearing.
Note that this is less me trying to talk crap about the Valkyrie itself, just confusion about its bearing.
Also can anyone fill me in on where to get more of the bearing that came with the Crash? I looked on C3’s website and on YYE but I don’t think I saw any information that gave me a positive ID on the particular makers of the bearing.
I find it weird how some bearings break like insta and others you have for years with no maintenance… sometimes they legit just break… I have a ton of animals so I sadly end up with a lot of dirty bearings
I think most bearing noise is started by contamination rather than wear, and that can be a factor of the bearing or the tolerance of the gap between the outer bearing race and the body of the yoyo. And also other things like play environment etc.
Of course bearing quality is a big deal too. Bearings are not all created equal, tight quality control costs money and wastes product and every mass-produced yoyo is made to a price point. Throwing in a cheaper bearing is an easy way to allocate more money toward the manufacturing of the yoyo body while keeping the cost down.
The best bearing I’ve used is the Superscoop from Lotus, it’s very similar to C3’s concave but I swear it spins longer.
Most all of my yoyos have the stock bearing in them with the exception of a few that have Difeyo KonKave bearings, and a couple that have a bearing advertised as top quality by the now defunct TheYo store (they must be - none have failed). Have never had a problem with any new bearings whether they came installed in a yoyo or were purchased separately. The only bearings I have ever had to replace were a few that came in previously owned yoyos, and most of those were what I call abused by people that somehow felt that burning off the cleaning solvent was a good way to go .