Who's attending the Ohio State YoYo Contest?

It’s not legal, but nobody will mind and it’s highly unlikely that you will get in trouble

So go ahead you can get a few bucks than do it!


:smiley: I’ll be there! :smiley:

I’ve never been to a contest before so I have a question about the freestyles

After you do your prelim performance, do you automatically move on to the finals, or do the judges pick people to move on?

The prelims is the Pre-Contest. If you’re good enough, you’ll move on to finals.

If you suck, you don’t make it to finals :slight_smile:

It’s just a way of weeding out the lesser contenders.

Thank you!

Do you know if they had prelims last year?

Last year they did not.

Nor, the year before.

BTW, What do you look like? I"ll come find you at the contest.

I’m a male
Pretty small body
I should be wearing pants and a shirt
Brown hair with slight blonde highlights that are NATURAL (No one believes that they’re natural)
Black wide framed glasses (Kinda looks hipster)
And I should be throwing a Victor Gravitsky Edition Protostar somewhere around there

I’ll be there. We can trade yoyos and stuff.

I should be there this year. I was there last year. I was looking forward to not having prelims again but it looks like I will have to come up with one now, haha. Oh well. Looking forward to going again.

It’s legal I think but not necessarily the best idea. People can just go watch a lot of other people without paying anything

Is it legal to like street perform at the mall before the contest starts?
I just want to earn a few extra bucks if I can

Is it legal to like street perform at the mall before the contest starts?

street perform at the mall before the contest starts?

before the contest starts?


Actually, I’ve pretty sure it’s not. You can probably yoyo, but I don’t think you can ask for money without a street performing license/permit. Actually, I’d be careful running around in the mall yoyoing too. At Indiana States we were told not to because the venue might not let them bring back the contest.

We understand it’s not legal. As long as he’s not annoying anyone I think he’ll be ok.

The legality of it is less of an issue than the morality of it. The businesses in the mall aren’t going to want anyone potentially taking a few dollars off their profits. It looks even worse considering the mall management is graciously hosting the event. Remember, each one of us represents all of us.

I will be there for sure. Cant wait!!!

7 days

My wife and I Are hoping to attend if we can find a baby sitter!

It’s not like you’re going to be gone over night. Leave out a bowl of food, put the sharp stuff out of reach, and leave the television on so they don’t get lonely.