which one coke or pepsi i prefer coke:)

I don’t think many things are too sweet but Coke is. i like pepsi.

I think that regular coke is to sweet but i like diet coke.

iseewhatudidthar! but drpepper will win every time. 8)

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I like being legit, I drink water.

NO!, u pick side Coke or pepsi…

TYSM OMGGGGGGGG U SAID WATER!!! When I was heavy I couldn’t drink soda so now I stick to hard liquor.

hows it bad for my heart if i’m in love with it ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

coke ya!!! ;D

well the company,then coke but just those two sodas… pepsi

I am a coke fan always will be! Its awesome to drink it in a glass bottle:-) just be careful when asking for glass coke… You might get crystal meth:-P

Thank you another win for coke :wink:

Win beyond all belief ^^^

Haha. Soda. Americans are funny. :slight_smile:

I prefer Pepsi personally. It’s got more carbonation and its not as sweet. I have 2-4 cans of Diet Pepsi a day sadly. And an energy drink every morning for work. I’m slightly embarrassed of the amount of pop I drink

Soda isn’t an “American” thing. I’ve lived here for 39 years and I’ve always called it pop. I know a few Canadians that call it soda so… I also have an Irish friend that calls it soda.

My drink of choice is Diet Dr Pepper. If I can’t get that then Diet Pepsi.

I’ve never once heard a Canadian use the word soda. Only Americans and British people from my own experience. Another thing that always makes me laugh is how Americans call a “toque” a “beanie” or a “sweater cap” … Hahaha

ya right im his bro he drinks soda all the time

i would rather die of something good than drinking something flat

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Mr Pibb is super legit. Coke is great.
Pepsi= >:(
Dr Pepper is okaayyy…
Cherry Dr Pepper is waaayyy awesome.
Sprite is pretty good, I think anyways.
To get on topic, Coca Cola is way better, obviously in my opinion. Nobody should be like, “COKE IS BETTER” or “PEPSI beats COKE!” cause everybody has different tastes. lol

coke is beast in all ways
pepsi is just good for mtn dew

I like both but I suppose if someone held a gun to my person and said choose, I would say coke, but either will do wonderfully.