When to go unresponsive

Thank you Greg, that really helped

reading this post the last few days made me think about this today at work, and I ended up spending some time with a responsive yoyo. A ONE yoyo, and I must say… I hated it. It was funny to others that see me play all the time struggle so hard, but I am glad I tried it again. I know now that its just not for me. Looping is just like raisin ice cream. i know someone out there likes it, but i dont. haha ;D

Coming back to yoyoing after many years and getting realling into it, I went straight into unresponsive play with a YYF Whip. Picked up binding pretty quick.

I got binding down in maybe 5 minutes today, at least a front bind anyway, and managed to start hitting brain twister and then bind, I know that won’t be very impressive to most of you, but it felt good to make progress