What’s that one country dance song played at like every school dance? Found it!

Not the macarena

It must be Macarana

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There’s only so many songs that line dance

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im running out of ideas

You know if you record some of the audio on your smart phone device, there are services that can quite reliably identify most songs with even a small snippet of audio.

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I’m going to have to do some detective research

SCIENCE my friend. It will never, ever let you down.

Except when it does.

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Running out of songs and the suspense is killing me!

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This song is actually pretty good, imo

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It may be one of these

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@eternalmetal love that David Allan Coe stuff. :roll_eyes:

Yea well this one is fortunately free of racism snowflake.

3:48 is the part I was looking for. Man was I off on what I was looking for…


Mystery solved! It’s all I thought about today for crying out loud lol

Never heard of the song though


Hooray we did it!

My friend did it… I just asked her lol

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The Golden Horse in Spanish

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