What makes a Kendama, "good"?

Mine showed up today and its currently hanging so my glue job dries properly and is drying. I cant find my scale however so Im looking for that now. Ill edit when I find its exact weight and then again after I get a chance to play. :slight_smile:

edit Found the scale. It weighs 78g and I am much happier with the weight difference now. That hickory grain makes it look GOOD too! at least mine does. wood vaires so much.

second edit
First impressions -
The smell! It kinda smelled like something ive eaten before. Not bad. The grain is pretty and the texture of the grain is strong! The weight is excellent. I love a heavy setup. It seems tackier than the stock one that came with my HG (maple i think) but not nearly as tacky as tacky painted ones, obvi.
The sound! Its quieter, denser, deeper. It sounds more pleasing and feels like tool grade wood. Like an axe handle.
So far, I am in LOVE

Third edit
After spending a day with it I can say that this setup is, without question, my favorite. The feel, the sound, the weight. 78g ken 82g tama feels “just right” and most other kendamas i play with seem much more toy like. It feels professional, polished, and excellent.

I got my homegrown hickory today and it weighs in a 78g which makes it around 3 grams lighter than my tama so I am very pleased. It pairs wonderfully with the purple heart tama.

What makes a good kendama is the weight especially, its changes everything, but well, they all do the job.