What is the YoYo Jam Bolt?

Like the title says what is the YYJ Bolt and where do you get them at?
Thank You, ;D

They’re yoyos.

There were 100 made. They were sold at some contests I believe. I traded mine off, I kinda regret it, but it was a deal that was really hard to pass up.

YYJ Bolt? Sounds interesting. What does it look like?

Like a mix between the Lyn Fury and the KickSide, IMO. It playss way awesome though.

Info there.


i have only thrown one of these. Doc pops, a blue one. Pretty nice ;D

There were plenty more than a hundred made…

Ugh, I hate Double-O-Ring response. So basically there is no way to buy one of these now?

Oh dern, Jayyo beat me to it with the link. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yoyojam doesn’t make them anymore, but I’m sure you could find one on the B/S/T here, or maybe the nation.