What happened to mystery boxes and cards?

Hey guys! Is it just me or dose anyone else miss the yoyo expert mystery boxes and the yoyo player cards?? I have not seen a card pack come in a yoyo expert mail order for like a year. And I miss doing mystery box unboxing videos! Is anyone else missing that feeling of getting a new player when you open a card pack?? :joy: When do you think we might get those back and the boxes too?


Maby @YoYoExpertGarrett will know

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ok, I just miss cards. I’m a big collector!

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Are there any you are looking for? I have a few from 2010-2013 that I have no particular attachement to.


There was a mystery box last Christmas time wasn’t there?

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Yeah but wasn’t that a box that was a combination of past boxes where you could choose which one you wanted if you missed one before? That’s why didn’t get that one. I’m not looking for a player in particular, unless you have Hiroyuki Suzuki or something.

I actually have some legend cards from the 2017 card set. I have 2 of AJ Kirk

I’d wondered about the cards too. When I got into yo-yos someone had sent me a few in a gift and I was so happy. I even set aside a binder page in my MTG binder for them specifically. But I’ve never gotten a card from yoyoexpert. It’s just this sad empty-ish page with no new additions haha.


Nope, don’t miss the cards at all.

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I loved them. I wanted to collect as many cards as I could!