What does it mean that a yoyo has "personality"?

To me this yoyo has some serious spirit, sure it vibes a bit and tilts on the string due to the high walls. But theres just something about this throw that just feels right everytime you throw it and it just makes me smile. Having spirit in a throw is hard to describe but to me this yoyo embodies it well :slightly_smiling_face: :blue_heart: :green_heart:

Yoyo: 2006 OG Anti-Yo Bapezilla


Every yoyo has a “personality”. It just depends on what kind of personality you’re looking to hang out with. Do you want someone that’s reliable and predictable, but kinda boring or that one friend that isn’t the most reliable or stable person you know, but you’re gonna have some amazing stories to tell the next day.

Unfortunately for me, I tend to choose the latter.


“Personality” is a slightly complex descriptor because a person can have a boring or even irritating personality but, at least in American English, if someone is described as “having personality” it will generally be understood to mean that they are interesting and fun to engage with. I’m not sure how well this translates to other languages.

Personally, I lean towards yoyos that are stubborn and fairly opinionated about how things should work.


My yoyo talks to me.

Nah but my take on personality is that it plays differently than most yos do. Something about it is distinguishing. For instance the YYR Valkyrie has personality imo due to how absurdly powerful it is.

I really don’t think there’s a right or wrong answer here but I love the Markmont quote Mable used, totally makes sense if you’ve tried it. If you ever wanna truly feel a yo-yo, all it’s quirks and movements and traits, take out that DS/RSK bearing in your bimetal and throw a OD 10 ball (or any flat bearing) in there.


My yoyos have character, not personality, lol.

My Epic laughs at me when I throw it. Does that count as personality?

people just want a way to validate their biases, preferences, choices, purchases and nostalgia, and will assign “personality” to a yoyo more as a way to put those in a pedestal, at the same time that, indirectly be derogatory towards the yoyos that dont fit their own self made definition of personality.

yoyos have no soul.


To me, it is not just the organics that have personality. To me it is about a unique weight distribution. Yoyos that are 100% about performance often aim for the same type of weight distribution: take as much weight as possible from the center and middle of the yoyo and place it all on the rim. This can lead to many yoyos feeling incredibly similar. It is a tried and true way to make a yoyo stable, and spin for a long time.

Those with personality are the yoyos that are able to fight the typical weight distribution by either adding weight somewhere in the center or somewhere in the middle, or through a unique shape or weight distribution concept. Organic yoyos seem to do this more often because the purpose of designing an organic is rarely for the purpose of competition and designers are given more freedom because of it.

High performing yoyos can very easily fit in the personality category, they just have to be different in some way while still maintaining good stability and long spin times. A couple of my favorites that fit this category are the Spin Dynamics alter ego, the 5-0 throws culprit, and the Reticulated Return tops copperhead. All of these yoyos are great performers while feeling very interesting in play.

I do feel like it is harder to find bimetals that fit the category of yoyos with personality because many of them are made for the purpose of creating a long spinning, stable yoyo that feels light in play. Some notable exceptions however are the Don from ZGRT and the yoyopalace Journey.

I also believe that all yoyos have a level of personality it is just that many aim to create the same personality based on trends and what’s popular. That being said, I feel like trend setters are jam-packed with personality. That is part of the reason they become so popular and other yoyo manufacturers try to replicate aspects of their design. This can diminish the personality of the trend-setting yoyo by it losing its uniqueness. The Kenshin is a great example of this. It has tons of personality, but it is less unique now because it created or amplified the trend of super light, rim-weighted monometals.

Throughout this post I have kind of convinced myself that personality kind of fits all yoyos, and yoyo players just use the word to describe a yoyo that they like for one reason or another. You’re welcome for my mostly useless rant.

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Inanimate objects only end up with personalities because humans assign personalities to them.

I would suggest a more fitting term would me ‘character’.

It is the character of certain yo-yos to play fast or slow or floaty or heavy or vibey or whatever else…

To identify an object has a personality, is to suggest that the yo-yo has feelings. Which would be a conclusion only made by a person that doesn’t grasp the difference.


A few of my favorite yo-yo’s are quite upset that you do not believe they have feelings. It is just this sort of limited thinking that keeps yo-yo’s oppressed ; bound by strings in closed, dark cases.

Our movement will not be overcome by the doubt of non-believers!


Interesting response.

I’m actually a little sinister now and then.

I have a Pet Rock that loves the yo-yo community.

I put Rocky next to my MacBook but I put a little blindfold over his eyes.

He gets so frustrated not seeing what’s going on🤓

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Y’all remember those “spirits” that were in beyblades? That’s what it means.

Anyways, my actual answer, is that a yoyo having “personality” means nothing. It’s a hype term. Eos hit the nail on the head, it’s about raising your preferences above what you think is non-preferential. If a yoyo has “personality” it’s whatever personality you charge it with. Dings don’t add personality, the way the yoyo plays isn’t its own distinct personality, and whether or not you like it doesn’t mean it has its own personality either.

If we want to argue about non-physical characteristics, I think it can be argued a yoyoer can convey emotion and personality through the way they yoyo.


Dude; rocks do not have eyes… :wink:

I see🤓

Explain this then please…


Your Epic is having an attitude man.

… Corrected. :slight_smile:

I feel like people have personalities and they project them onto the things they care about.

Just like instruments. I have different basses with different tonal characteristics but any “personality” they have is just what I ascribe based on the way I play them.

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I view yoyos personality based on the feeling they give off, to me. Like, the DD Assassin, to me when i see the shape of the assassin it reminds me of slashing sword with comic book style wind trail. So it makes me feel ninja vibes. I see it as a dark, quick, aggressive yet smooth yoyo.

There there’s the slim dunk. Like a derpy little brother that has good intentions, doesn’t want to start beef with anyone, just in it’s own conrner doing it’s thing. But man does the slim dunk do it’s thing well. Just wants to have fun and chill.