What did you get in the mail, 2024?

Nice! Those are both ones that I’ve been eyeing since they came out. You’ll have to let us know you’re thoughts on them, once you’ve had some time with them.

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Smooth and light? That tells me absolutely nothing about the play qualities of this yo-yo. Smooth is meaningless and light is subjective at best. If your intention was to damn the yo-yo with faint-praise, you have succeeded.


if it helps, he wasnt talking to you. he was speaking directly to chris in answer to chris’ question. maybe chris found that helpful


I mean I’ve always said I was never good at describing how well yoyo’s play. Also happy anniversary day!

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I know what he meant. I appreciate the feedback.


Traded some yoyos with @Nic_from_Adelaide for this wooden fixie with kangaroo leather caps and leather counter weight, plus some custom string and other goodies.

I’m loving the shape and weight (47.3g) for 0a. The leather caps give it a nice premium feel. :kangaroo::+1:


I want to stop people describing a yo-yo as being good because it is “smooth”. It is meaningless and is also old-fashioned since every yo-yo is smooth these days.

Describing a yo-yo as smooth is like saying that a drink is wet. Other than it is a liquid; this tells me nothing. If you were an alien that never drank any liquid in your life; you might describe a drink as “wet”. Similarly, if you have no experience with more than one yo-yo; you might believe that smooth was an important property that only your one yo-yo had. After buying many yo-yos you would realize all yo-yos are smooth and therefore, stop using the term to describe a yo-yo.


Thank you to @AudreySickburn for fronting me the cash for this beautiful piece of functional art.

ILYY Noctu custom anodized by @England1414 and named the “Clown Town Noctu”


Hooray! Glad it made it to you safe and sound.


Sheez!! Everyone involved in this one was on top of it! That was so fast!

Love that thing!


Pictures don’t do it justice, it was such a nice thing to come home to today. I also like that this Noctu is from the 2012ish era when they were 55mm diameter. I feel like Batman when I throw it


you misunderstand me. im well aware of what your intentions are. im saying myob. its odd that you care how ppl describe yoyos, doubly so when they aren’t talking to you in the first place


Man, the Noctu was a piece of really painful art. Playing with it felt like throwing a ninja star attached to a string, cool to watch, but painful on the return because of the edges that would bite my hand on a hard throw. Especially when I’d hit a snag trying to feed it too much string and pay the price by it slicing through the air like a pendulum blade wanting to turn me into Edgar Allan Poe’s next protagonist.


@sven dies on the hill of Mint, @YoyoGeezer dies on the hill of smoothness


So, Kyle @SlowThrow, where is your hill? And Thomas @Splizacular whats yours? Grading Guidelines?

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Im not sure yet lol, all in good fun Sven

Oh wait wait, I got one

Chinese machining is just as good as US machining, the end product QC is where the real problem is.



Good point. I agree.

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this one looks nice, but i dunno I’m not really a hill guy


lol, I think this is a burial mound. :joy: So yes, a good place to die.


Oh, I see your hill now! Pulling everything so deep into relativism, that nothing means anything anymore. Like saying “cup” so many times, that it loses any meaning. If evrything is nothing, then you also never have to defend anything. A kind of mental minimalism. I see. :point_right: