What did you get in the mail, 2024?

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For old friends who’ve just met

Gonzo the Minitee


August 1st is the perfect day for such a fine mail day. The gorgeous new Motion Harmonic thank you @JEA86. And thank you @Yodaddyo for doing a temporary trade and letting me try the Amazing Spinworthy Flying Lemon. A very nice throw indeed!!


Got a Harmonic and matching string.


Oh snap! I’m coming for one of your motions next! I haven’t gotten my hands on one yet.

The lemons looking beautiful as always. I can’t wait to hear your thoughts :+1:


Something that helped me with bangs, dings and a deformed rim was shortening the string to the point where my wrist hangs slightly lower and the yoyo can’t touch the floor. Bent elbow 90° perpendicular and hand hanging a bit. Also do regular check ups because strings stretch. I learn this the hard way and my Silenus has a pulse for it, but the floor survived fortunately :grinning:
Thanks for the recomendation, it looks like a vey sick throw.

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New favorite bimetal. This thing is fast, powerful, and nimble. Plus the green with black rims looks very classy.


Just got these in mail… thanks @Howdypartner


Lovely color :slight_smile:


Love it - also love the flying lemon color


That is the best color in my opinion


I got this amazing String Buddy from Seth at the wyyc in exchange for a filming a tutorial! It has a knot pick, bearing remover, and string cutter! It’s also on one of those retractable things. Hands down the best and most well thought out yoyo accessory I have seen and Seth was really cool to meet and film with! If y’all see someone with a bunch of these on their backpack, definitely go say wassup!


Mail day round up from earlier in the week. Sick kiddos kept this one postponed for a minute. A paradigm shift, raw frequency mod and a collab dama for the OYY collection. A dunk rebound and the chunk as well.


Didn’t get this in the mail, I got this at worlds😎
W1LD adrenaline :syringe:
This is hands down the best competition throw I’ve ever used. It’s tri-material, extra wide (50mm) and the diameter isn’t huge (55mm)
This thing is incredible. Highly suggest🫡


I need a noradrenaline! The noradrenaline is supposed to be even zippier!

RSO Mecha Bapezilla SE


I thought about trying this but my string would be way too short. I like my string pretty long and maybe it’s my monkey-like build but that wouldn’t allow for much string. I’ll just adopt the premise that bangs, dings and vibe adds character… yeah, that’s it, lol. I do try to be more careful with my more expensive throws but like others have pointed out to me, yoyoy’s are meant to be thrown. I was watching a Gentry Stein video, where he praised his girlfriend for getting her first ding, it was a proud moment for him. Thought that was pretty cool.

Since I like to make things more complicated than they have to be, I even measured it. If I cut my string to where the yoyo couldn’t hit the floor with my arm stretched down, that would only allow me 32" of string, more like 31", since I would have to account for the yoyo. I prefer my string to be at least 45" long before it’s broken in, which usually adds about another inch. I’m 6’5 though so that accounts for the long string. I say long but it’s all relative. Whatever works for you is the best motto to go by.

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So not exactly mail, more like world pick ups :,)

So many great yo-yos to try at all the booths, but I’m a fool for CLYW.

Also took my 1-4 raw 420 with me to worlds and happened to meet Charles, and Tyler… got my yoyo signed…


I tried it, it was good but I like the adrenaline better imo. Still super solid tho can’t go wrong w either one👍


That a Ti throw all the way on top pic? Which is it?

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Clyw X Atmos projects Canopy Ti