What did you get in the mail, 2023

2 Christmas fixies


I probably don’t have the skill level for the weight to affect my play all too much but this plays pretty normal for me. Feels really great so far and I don’t notice a lack of power


Markmont strings came in the mail today!


Also recieved my Format:C Gen 2. Monometals below 63g can be hit-and-miss for me, but I’m very pleasantly surprised.


Team MagnaCut! How’s the Arc treating you @KorinaMcCarty? It’s one of my favorite projects I’ve worked on.


Honestly I was a tiny bit skeptical of the weight but it’s not extreme feeling to me at all. It for sure has a light presence on the string but moves around fine and spins long enough for my combos. It’s also glass smooth so it has a kind of unique smooth and graceful feeling going through combos.


It’s where I’ve found most of the unique yoyos in my collection


I love it, I have a signal for when I’m working in the yard. But it didn’t have scissors. The Arc is almost perfect having an outstanding knife it also has the scissors I wanted. Sometimes a scissors is a better fit for what I need. Normally the Micra is in my pocket just to have scissors with me. Also the Free technology is so convenient. The bits are always handy and the screwdriver for glasses. Now I carry only this when I’m out and about. And it’s made a relatively short distance from where I live. Arrived next day after shipping, which I very much appreciated. Wasn’t aware you worked there but excellent job, and on this product which is very cool. :hugs:


I WISH I WORKED THERE. I just help with testing products every so often for a few companies. Glad it’s working for you! It really is awesome for edc. I’ve found the eyeglass driver handy for picking knots, if a little sketchy because of all that metal haha.


My concern was that the spin time and stability would be fine, but it the lack of weight would really dominate how it plays. I don’t think this is really the case at all. The power and stability are there and weight-wise it feels pretty normal.

With some really light yo-yos I can get through tricks, but it is obvious that the yo-yo was optimized for someone else’s style. I’m not getting that feeling here.


I didn’t think of using that for picking knots, great idea. Now I need to go throw a knot :smile:


Agree, the weight feels in the typical normal range. Also I was expecting that it may be somewhat uncomfortable on return but it’s not. For me it’s just a very fun yoyo that performs


On my iPad the orange has a bit of copper. Which I like. Is that how it is in person?


I would say that’s probably more the low lighting in my room, it’s dark but doesn’t cross over towards that red copper shade to me at all. This is it next to the only other solid orange i have. Also the original without iphone auto adjust filter


Thanks for that. Does look more orange now. Nice


Oh boy I must have one of those beautiful things, damn that is a fine looking machine.
Yo-yo made in Idaho by Seastrom a machining company. I am on it, thank you for sharing.
How does it play ?
What dies it look like spinning oooo weee I bet it is fantastic.


I had the same reaction started trying to find one myself. It’s silly but hey I got dumber toys than that.

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I did not like those markmont strings but the spyderco is cool.


It’s a totally completely different vibe than the JS… the Moonlight plays heavier, has more power, and doesn’t spin quite as fast. About the same comfortability though - that might be the thing they have most in common. You might find that the Moonlight is more easily controlled due to the extra 3 grams of weight, but if you want something that moves around quicker, you’ll want to look at the JS. As fantastic as the Moonlight is, I feel like most people would still prefer the JS over it. It’s tried and true at this point. But things are trending slightly heavier lately, so you never know - could be the new king in town, and only time will tell.


I think Elvin summed it up perfectly in his write-up; it’s a light, zippy, extremely fun yo-yo. I haven’t had the urge to try the weight rings, but I’m sure I will. Customizing these is half the fun. I really enjoyed it right out of the box. I think you’re going to have a great Christmas morning. I really hope you enjoy it.