What are you throwing today?


Red objects. ;D

What are these ??? They look awesome.

The Capitalā€™s Yoyo Amelia.

Chief and Ape Grapes

Those look great! I would totally half and half them!

Gnarwhal 2!

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Do they sell their yoyos anywhere ? Was doing research and couldnā€™t find a website. Pretty rad looking shapes they make. Where did you get yours ?

Iā€™ll send you a PM.

Nope, the brand name is Capitalā€™s Yoyo, the yoyo name is Amelia.

Shutter & Terrarian

I am working with my Kickstart Pro.

This beast from the Far East

Woooowww!!! These look amazing

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Ever throw something that makes you stop throwing everything else for a while?

Yes that happens every time I get a new throw. :joy:

M06 Katana

Capitalā€™s Yo Yo Angkasa, Capitalā€™s Yo Yo Amelia, YYF 09 Genesis

Mostly the Amelia though.

Chief and BVM

Mainly Pete the purple squirrel comeback Avalanche (comebackalanche as I like to call it) and gnarwhal 2

I was at Disney Springs two days ago and bought an Origami at Duncan. It is GREAT!