What are you throwing today?

Same here! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


OD Valor. Need to pass some time playing OD while waiting for the TopDeck.

These guys, and yeah that photo was taken today sadly haha

Wow, where are you from? It’s 85 degrees f. right now where I live! Haha

Maine, it’ll be gone by tomorrow lol

Clyw Sasquatch fools gold
Very vintage feel

Replay Pro :blush:

I pulled out the Torque. It is the one I go to throw when I tier of all my other metal yoyo’s.



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YYF Metal Replay

YYF Czech Point

Im at the FG Sasquatch camp today. So nice. SO pretty! Plays SOOoo dang good!!!

Iyoyo steel and YYF flight

GSquared Banshee V1 all day. :slight_smile:

']YoYoExpert mobile app[/URL]


It was yesterday, but very careful nonetheless.

Dude that looks soooo sweet! What yoyo is it?

That’s a CLYW Peak. Their first yo-yo
