What are you throwing today?

USA hatrick… naturally

Couldn’t decide what to take with me to the fair today as I knew we’d be making it a day’s event. Basically, had my Too H.O.T., Horizon, CzPoint, Gnarwhal 2, and YYJ H3X. Was pretty fun walking around the fairgrounds (in uncrowded plazas) doing Branding and Kwijibo .

Double post, new day, was throwing my Czechpoint for 1A, then towards this evening was exploring some 5A trying to find what yoyo I felt most comfortable learning with…so I was dusting off the Dark Magic 2, tried out my YYJ/Yomega Firestorm, and eventually settled on doing 5A on my delrin RecRev/Vegan Cupcake Parlor unknown yoyo. Was trying what felt like the best balance between the yoyo and counterweight.

Benchmark O with fat kitty

'07 888

Throwing my shutter again today, and probably tomorrow. and the next day… and the next…

Czech Point, Too hot for 1A, Delrin Vegan Cupcake Parlor unknown model for 5A

Vibey as heck small bearing basselope and Ac2.


TooHOT for most of the day… but in mere moments, I’m off to the PO to get the DREAM!

This is the greatest thing I’ve ever had the pleasure of throwing! I’m buying a stealth ogre mk 2 for sure

SPYY Revenger :slight_smile: http://i.imgur.com/jYfztfC.jpg

YoyoFactory shutter


TheMuffinMan, that particular Revenger is beautiful! And it’s a great yoyo overall.

Today, I throw the Ti Dream and Plastic Dream.

Spent some time on the Horizon 8)

So I ran out of pads the other day.
I discovered yesterday that a flat bearing in my Classic without pads works fine. So all I need to stay in the game right now is string which I have about 20 Kitty Normals left. I usually make each last about 3 weeks to a month so yeah.

STILL IN THE GAME. YYJ Classic + Flat C Bearing + Kitty Normal + no pads

YYJ Revival

felt like playing something middle of the road today, no crazy weights or sizes, just good ol’ fun

Again nothing has changed here

Just got done rotating Sengoku Nobunaga, Titanium Dream, Space Cowboy, and One Drop Code 1