What are you throwing today?

Today has been a CLYW Sasquatch day. Solid, stable and long-spinning, it’s my go-to when I’m trying to come up with long and complicated stuff. :slight_smile:

Good lord this thing is amazing and beautiful! You need one!



I almost think I could sell off the rest of my collection and be okay with only these 4.

Yoyofficer Musket, been giving that some love today.

Nothing but my new baby! She’s gonna be one of my mains for awhile. I’m loving it

Square Wheels Nomad

None… Still waiting for mine to arrive… :’(

This…one of my lightest metals but starting to get used to it. Typically I usually go for slightly heavier throws but this is a nice change in my arsenal.

I wasn’t an enormous fan of the first Y-factor with the brass nut. I wonder if I’d enjoy this lighter version!

OD Benchmark O, YYF Replay, YYJ Classic (unresponsive)

Sengoku Nobunaga.

Anyone ever hear of Evergrand YoYo’s? I am throwing one of there’s


How’s that VK?

I’m throwin shouts

On yoyo overload today and throwing the following:
YYF Replay Pro (These are amazing for their price, and can easily rival the Diffusion)
CLYW Gnarwhal and Wooly Marmot 2 (Supposed to be B-grades but they play rather smooth, minor ano flaws I can care less about)
YYF Superstar B-Grade (Also dead smooth…What’s with all of these amazing b-grades?)
YYF Superwide. I couldn’t resist finally buying one and at first when I threw one a couple years ago I didn’t like it. Today, I still threw it sloppy but it’s starting to grow on me
RecRev delrin yoyo (model unknown, has a silver metal pog on the face of it)
Magic Yoyo K6
And lastly, a Play Simply No Jive. After my slight mistake of getting classic optic star (configuration-wise, still an awesome woodie) I decided to buy the Ed Haponik version and this too is a fun throw!

Nobunaga again today. This thing is just so good. Get one, if you can.

CLYW Gnarwhal and Wooly Marmot

My lightest throws Pulsefire and D-Starter
