What are you throwing today?


Got a Shutter and Higby Painted ProFly with me today

AC2 again


Space Cowboy just reminded me again that is it indeed the best in my arsenal.


Hmm… Today, I think I’m gonna throw the OD cascade. Haven’t played that one in awhile and feel that it need some much deserved love and attention.



Was throwing a 2014 benchmark H, But I just got the YYE edition shipwreck in the mail so now that needs some attention.

Nickel plated Strix.

Fingerspins are super fun.

Dark Green Shipwreck.

So nice.

Magenta and green splash peak

A “New to Me” 60’s Butterfly.

Pink Shu-Ta

New favorite daily throw IMO

After being lost in the mail for the last 2 weeks. Accelerator, this color way is nasty

Damn that IS a nice colorway. On the topic of C3 I’m throwing a Teleport (silver w/ red-blue acid wash)

That color way looks amazing.

Puffin 2