What are you throwing today?

mostly schneider mkii

YYO Nifty

My brand new TK Wood Rocks!

Higby painted, YYF Hubstack Afterglow USA

The Afterglow looks awesome, good idea with the Dice.

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OD Valor, Protostar, Positron

This. http://i1312.photobucket.com/albums/t522/DJVEKTOR/Mobile%20Uploads/WP_20150222_002_zpsnqhzvl93.jpg

Diffusion and a Terra Pill. cuz ima reble

N5 ;D

2sickyoyos Queen, Tyler Hsieh Pulsefire

WM2 ;D I got the exact one yye used for pics. (other side) Dont know why they didnt use its good side.

mostly schneider mkii


too hot

KYS Rapid

FG WM2 and Cliff

YoyoJam Next Level and YYF Shutter

Givin’ the peak some love today.

Gnarwhal 2

I’ve been using a Classic with a slim bearing for 4A, which is surprisingly effective