What are you throwing today?


blink, schneider mkii, orange and 7075 luis genesis. wrecked my hands so every yoyo hurts but the heavy ones are especially rough when i throw

New Diffusion and a pill

Cascade. So good!

Pulsar Genesis



Eh… I throw the Eh a lot.

Pair of MagicYoYo D5’s, thought I’d return to 3A after a few months.
Both have 1 YYJ Silicone Pad in them, I got them from my old YYJ Pinnacle haha
I’ve ran out of response pads since my 4 Buddha Pads went to another dimension a month ago >.< HALP

One Drop Gradient


Big Brother Wedgie

'08 888

RecRev Octave

Caesar- silverback tiger #BALLIN

DS Pride

Back to the originals, my old dash.


3yo3 Capella

Alternating between Benchmark W and Code 1