What are you throwing today?

Deadly SpINS Wrath today. I always manage to “forget” about this yoyo in my collection (because it’s one of the first premium metals I owned and I tend to play my newer stuff) but when I bust it out I’m always, “Oh yeah! The yoyo I’ve been looking for specs and feel wise… I already own it!!!”

I’ve been throwing the Markmont. Classic almost exclusively, with a little bit of Something “The V” thrown in for variety. The Classic is just so good, it’s almost the perfect yo-yo for me.

Torque :x

Shutter for 5A

clyw wooly marmot 2


Threw everything in my collection today. In order: Bape2, Next, Supra, Addiction, Popstar, Horizon, Cypher, CZM8 Orbitron, Lyn Fury.

Square Wheels Rex.

2012 Genesis with a KK Bearing. So good, now that I have found this combination.

Purple Strix to match may shirt


TooHOT Proto

Primo, Valor, Cypher, Glide, And probably Wooly marmot 2 later.

Dymension for 5A and 2012 Genesis

YYF Supernova and Onestar

2012 Genesis for 5A

OD Rally

Sullivan in purpleheart today!

after spending $750 on TPs recently I’ve obviously been throwing…Protostar for 99% of the time the past 3 days.