What are you throwing today?

Prestige, Genesis

Sullivan and an FHZ!

I gathered. I’m fairly new to this, but I heard some yoyo’s won’t take a basic/standard bind. Is this true?

I thought you were giving up bearing yo-yos?

I’ve never heard of or experienced that. A bind is a bind.

Puffin 2 and strix

Severe edition Supernova

Maybe he’s incorrectly calling a tug-return as a “bind”. That’s my guess.

The yoyo under discussion is unresponsive, requiring a bind return. It will not come back on a tug.

It is only what was mentioned by one person. He was clearly wrong. Cheers for setting the matter straight.

Indeed I am. Beginning November 1.

Been testing these FHZs I finished modifying this evening- sili recessed, sticker lips removed, and painted.


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Hatchet and barracuda

Valor and Genesis

the genesis is a good pick, i’m throwing the 2014 today

Roll Model

2014 is a fantastic yoyo. Looking to get another one is exchange for my Space Cowboy.

Benchmark V! again

i have been asked for my 2014 since its a pulsar, but i turn down everyone because its just way to good for me to let go of right now.

Summit, Wooly Marmot 2, Valor, Northstar, Surge, Velocity

yea I got out some plastics for fun

black wm2

One-off Cyborg! 8)