What are you throwing today?


The one to the left.

^^ I do not know what the one to the left is!

Today I am hucking a Spin Dynamics Smooth Move


lol jk :wink:

Trade me a YYR Dazzler for it.


2sickyoyos King Queen

What??? Was there an accident?

Throwing Valor and Nessie.

There was an emasculation, yup.

Nomad genesis and the capricorn

Switching to a Valor after throwing a stock Lyn fury for a few hours feels pretty great

Might do this for a whole week sometime this summer, I can always improve my technique :smiley:


I never ever ever thought that I would be saying thisā€¦ Butā€¦ SUMMIT!

Oh and also Dingo.

Dark Magic II and Hitman Pro

Onedrop Chik

86400 and AC2

MagicYoyo D8


Dingo and Summit and a bit of strix.