What are you throwing today?

Aquarius, Equinox, and my Smooth Move.

Avant Garde. Which is rapidly becoming dinged up through my own carelessness. This time, “thunk” right into a carpeted floor. Carpeted! And still I dinged it.

Doesn’t matter to me. Loving this throw!


thank you for bringing that up. always fun to learn new things and have more things to research late at night.

Throwing a Roll Model for 5A today.

Dv888 again trying to finish this little video I’m putting together.

The way you wrote that seems to assume I know what a Takuto.design L4 is, or that I have any knowledge of design controversies for various lines of yoyos. I do not.

To put this another way, I would never brag about using an unauthorized copy of ANYTHING, so don’t put words in my mouth. The better approach would have been something more like “Hey, you might not know that there’s a history of controversy in that design, the credit for which I (and many others) believe rightly belongs to Takuto.design for their L4 yoyo. Just thought you might like to know.”

Instead of the adversarial way you did it.

Today I am throwing a Dark Magic II with a nice new Trifecta bearing in it.

(and I’m sure Daniel is champing at the bit to let me know that either the throw or the bearing are unauthorized replicas of something…)

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That’s too wordy. Kills the flow and ruins the wackiness.

Also, I think you missed the whole point of “fix’d” quote-editing gag.

Bah, quote instead of modify error. :wink: See subsequent.

Yes, that’s right… I’m the one who did something out of order here. :wink: Hey, I have an incredibly wacky idea that will contribute to the flow of this conversation: can it unless you’re telling us what you’re throwing today…! (I think you’re missing the point of this thread)

Methinks, that you’re missing the point of what a “discussion thread” is.

That sucks.
Throwing Code 2, Cascade and Fiesta XX.

Yup. I’ve since gotten over it. Dings happen. Just gotta let go and admit it. Lol I’m so deep and thoughtful.

Cliffff and Pufffffin.

Same here!

Throwing a Freehand MG today.

metal drifter. ugh.