What are you throwing today?

gettin my 888x on christmas ;D

EDIT: its under the tree now

alright guys, my Counter Attack has arrived and is under the tree!!!


My super smooth newly recessed FH2…Feels like a new Yo ;D

My brand new acid wash green SEVERE.
Words cannot describe the awesomeness that this yoyo has.

modded fast 201

New Breed all the way. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: ;D ;D ;D ;D

modded speed maker, its sili and has painted caps :slight_smile:


PGM v2

my G5
it has vibe… :-[ :-[

Aqua Acid Tactic. im in <333

My DV888 and Dingo

my first real spintop :wink:

(well you do THROW it!)
(i probably won’t be yoyoing much today…)

an x con and a dm and a throw monkey

newish yyj legacy ;D

My genesis and my g5 is being silied
So i just throw my L3
kinda forget how good it is

DV888, hitman

(dreaming of christmas)

888x, protostar, peak, stardust v2, p2. hugo z hor, fhz, bully, lunatic…thats the whole collection (i cleaned all the bearings and threw em to test the bearing )
