It needs to be a thing. This is my contribution. Also RIP to my instagram accounts, I can’t get back into them anymore so this is the last trick that will appear there! Oh well, but maybe for the best.
0A is a lot of fun, it’s a completely different way of thinking about yoyo. Next up for you is responsive freehand. It’s basically 0a with a counterweight. Doc Pop did a 5 part series to help promote the Pop Art. I’ve got them on my instagram, or you can track them down on his youtube
Nice trick though.
Thanks @jeremy excellent trade.
This is so good I have got to try it.
Peak 2?
yeahhh, im not that lucky haha! but the HS peak 2 is still a beauty
What is that?
Looks like a Fat Tire to me
Fat Tire.
You nailed it!!
I’m digging that patina.
Sorry, I never saw that colorway before. I like it a lot even though when I throw it I see how spoiled I am with wide catch zones.
You and me both. The gold makes it kinda snazzy.